Campus Director and Dean of Academic Affairs, Professor
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
8550 Magellan Parkway
Suite 1100
Richmond, VA 23227
8550 Magellan Parkway
Suite 1100
Richmond, VA 23227
- PhD, Nursing Education, University of Northern Colorado
- MS, Adult Nurse Practitioner, Virginia Commonwealth University
- BSN, Bluefield State College
- ADN, Bluefield State College
- Nursing Education
- Adult Nurse Practitioner, Cardiology
- Curriculum Development
- Faculty Development
- Medical-Surgical Nursing
- ANP (Adult Nursing Practitioner Certification)
- CNE (Certified Nursing Educator)
Professional Interest
- Nursing leadership
- Academic-Service Partnerships
- Faculty-Student Relationships
- Nursing faculty shortage
- Curriculum design and development
- Faculty development
- Medical-Surgical nursing
- Minnick, P., Perkins, C., Grubbs, F., & Gordon, S. (1999, October). Health care reform: Are we changing the system or adapting to system changes? Tenth Annual International Critical and Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia
- Perkins, C. (2009, July). The nurse educator's therapeutic use of self. Poster presentation at the International Nurse Educator Conference of the Rockies, Breckenridge, Colorado.
- Perkins, C. (2009, May). The art of leadership in nursing: Integration of theoretical concepts. Poster presentation at Bon Secours Nursing Excellence Symposium, Richmond, Virginia.
- Perkins, C. (2008, January). Give students what they want: YOU! Poster presentation at National League for Nursing Leadership Conference, Orlando, Florida.
- Perkins, C. (2007, July). Establishing ideal learning relationships with students. Oral presentation at the International Nurse Educator Conference of the Rockies, Breckenridge, Colorado.
- Perkins, C. (2008, April; 2007, November; 2007, April; 2006, November; 2006, April; 2005, November; 2005, April; 2004, November; 2003, November; 2003, April; 2002, November; 2002, April). Cardiovascular lecture. In Dr. Sadeeka Al-Majid (Professor), Nursing Adults I (NURS 325). Required nursing course at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.
- Perkins, C. (2005, October). Healthy workplace for nursing faculty. Oral presentation Bon Secours Memorial School of Nursing Professional Development Workshop, Richmond, Virginia.
- Perkins, C. (1999, May). The American health care system financial catastrophe. Nurses' Network for a National Health Program Newsletter: Richmond, Virginia.
Unpublished Papers:
- Perkins, C. (2009). Connectedness: A concept analysis. Unpublished manuscript, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado.
- Perkins, C. (2009). Faculty rank and role policy proposal. Unpublished manuscript, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado.
- Perkins, C. (2009). Profile of the Nursing Doctoral Student: A study of academic motivation in relation to psychological, sociocultural, and spiritual individual factors. University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado.
- Perkins, C. (2006). Effective Student-Faculty Relationships. Unpublished manuscript, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado.
- Temple Memorial Award, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Nursing
- Ethel Bowen Foundation Scholarship, First Century Bank National
- Professional Nurse Traineeship Fund Recipient, Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Nursing
- MCV/VCU Cancer Education Council Grant Summer Fellowship, Virginia Commonwealth University
- 99 Virginia Nurse of the Year Award, Honorable Mention, Virginia Nurses Association
- Scholastic Achievement Award, Bluefield State College
- Clinical Instructor in Boyle, A.H. & Jablonski, R. (1998-99). Improving Clinical Competence and Collaborative Skills Through an Integrated Clinical Experience. University Teaching Excellence Grant at Virginia Commonwealth University. $4,000.